We love Teles. But every once in a while even the most die-hard Tele-philes want to channel their inner Jimi. Don’t feel bad. We don’t blame you. We are here to help. You don’t need to carve up your pickguard. You don’t need to hack up your guitar. You just need some “Royal T”…
Our newest neck pickup for Telecasters! We’ve had many requests for a Tele neck pickup that really sounds like a Strat. Done! Combining a custom nickel pickup cover (we designed and had made in the USA), a special selection of magnet type and length, and coil wire that would typically be used on a Strat pickup (42 gauge heavy build), the results are a deeper, clearer, glassier and punchier tone. Stratty! Think “Blonde meets Blackface”… Vintage style cloth covered lead wires, Alnico 5 magnets.
Neck only – 6.24K

• Royal T clean clip done with Lollar Telecaster, vintage Blonde Bassman head and 2×12 cab with EV12L and Celestion G12-65. Dirty clip added a Rockett Pedals Chicken Soup.
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